Pencil2D 0.6.6

Pencil2D is a free and open source animation/drawing software for Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil2D is a community-driven project developed entirely by volunteers and we are always looking for more helping hands! There are many different ways to contribute, so anyone can help regardless of their background.

Tupi 0.2.21

Tupi is a design and authoring tool for digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering an interface experience focused on 8-100 years old kids.

Inkscape 1.3.2

Inkscape is vector graphics software for creating icons, illustrations, logos, diagrams, maps and web graphics. It's cross-platform, extremely feature-rich yet simple to use, and extendable. Users therefore include design professionals as well as hobbyists. It's engineered around the open and standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Its sophisticated drawing tools easily match up to Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Xara Xtreme. Inkscape also can import and export to AI, Encapsulated/Posts

Natron 2.5.0

Natron is a visual effects composition software. It supports many common image file formats (EXR, DPX, TIFF, JPEG, PNG); colorspace management via OpenColorIO, and visual effects via OpenFX / OFX plugins. It has low hardware requirements that allow real-time playback, comes with command line tools, and uses Python3 for scripting.

OpenToonz 1.7.1

OpenToonz is a 2D animation software published by DWANGO. It is based on Toonz Studio Ghibli Version, originally developed in Italy by Digital Video, Inc., and customized by Studio Ghibli over many years of production.

MathMod 11.1

MathMod is a portable interactive plotting and graphing program for Windows, Linux, MacOSX and many other platforms. MathMod allows to plot 3D mathematical surfaces, described by implicit or parametric equations, and offers a very large database of model samples that can be generated with it. It's Free and Open Source under the terms of the GPL licence version 2 or later.

taccGL 0.62

a javaScript library improving html/css web pages with 3D/2D GPU graphic acceleration (WebGL and HTML5-Canvas). It animates CSS formatted HTML 5 elements and 3D objects designed with a 3D program showing integrated scenes with hidden surface handling, lighting, and shadows. Features: parallax scrolling, accelerated motion in 2D and 3D, 3D rotating, mapping of HTML elements on 3D objects, custom shaders, graceful degradation on devices that do not provide full WebGL performance, HTML5 2D canva

Synfig Studio 1.2.2

Synfig Studio is a 2D animation software. It allows for professional but uncomplicated film-quality animations, using vector graphics and bitmap artwork. Synfig doesn't require frame-by frame editing, but allows simple vector moving and shift editing, provides layer-based scenes, independent of target resolutions, brings smooth motion with high dynamic-range imaging, pentablet-aware tools, path-based gradients, filters, distortions, transformations, fractal views and other tools. It's also avail

AnimeEffects 1.3

AnimeEffects is a 2D keyframe animation tool based on deformation of polygon meshes. You can easily operate, quickly shape your idea, and remake at any time if you have changed your mind.

APNG Assembler 2.9

APNG Assembler combines multiple PNG or TGA files into a squentially animated image in APNG format. It comes as command-line tool, or with a GUI for Windows, supports multiple color and palette optimizations, and can switch between zlib, 7zip and Zopfli compression.