Logstash 8.13.4

Logstash is part of the Elastic Stack along with Beats, Elasticsearch and Kibana. Logstash is a server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite "stash." (Ours is Elasticsearch, naturally.). Logstash has over 200 plugins, and you can write your own very easily as well. For more info, see https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash

Logfile Navigator 0.12.3

The Logfile Navigator, lnav for short, is a curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files. The value added by lnav over text viewers or editors is that it takes advantage of any semantic information that can be gleaned from the log file, such as timestamps and log levels. Using this extra semantic information, lnav can do things like interleaving messages from different files, generate histograms of messages over time, and provide hotkeys for navigating through the file. These features a

GTimeLog 0.12.0

GTimeLog is a basic Gtk application for time-tracked logs. It requires one start event to be created per day, then an entry for each concluded activity. It provides GUI and text shortcuts to differentiate e.g. billable and free-time events. It doesn't honor XDG_CONFIG_DIR.

Heimer 4.4.0

Heimer is a desktop application for creating mind maps and other suitable diagrams. It's written in Qt and targeted for Linux and Windows. Features Adjustable grid Automatic layout optimization Autoload & Autosave Easy-to-use UI Export to PNG or SVG Forever 100% free Full undo/redo Nice animations Quickly add node text and edge labels Save/load in XML-based .ALZ-files Translations in English (default), Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Spanish Very fast Zoom in/out/fit Zoom wit

Heimer 4.4.0

Heimer is a desktop application for creating mind maps and other suitable diagrams. It's written in Qt and targeted for Linux and Windows. Features Adjustable grid Automatic layout optimization Autoload & Autosave Easy-to-use UI Export to PNG or SVG Forever 100% free Full undo/redo Nice animations Quickly add node text and edge labels Save/load in XML-based .ALZ-files Translations in English (default), Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Spanish Very fast Zoom in/out/fit Zoom wit

Errsole 1.0.7

Errsole captures all errors raised in your Node.js app and the HTTP requests that caused the errors. Replay the captured errors in the app clone and debug the server code in real-time.

Web-based firewall log analyzer 1.1.2

Webfwlog is a Web-based firewall log reporting and analysis tool. It supports IPv6, as well as geoip data for ips using maxmind's geoip databases. It allows users to design reports to use on logged firewall data in whatever configuration they desire. Included are sample reports as a starting point. Reports can be sorted with a single click, or "drilled-down" all the way to the packet level, and report definitions saved for later use. Supported log formats are netfilter, ipfilter, ipfw, ipchains,

Pimp my Log 1.7.13

Pimp my Log is a prettifying log viewer for web servers. It's written in PHP, understands Apache, NGINC, IIS webserver logs, but also PHP, sshd, Tomcat, RoR and syslogs. It can render any text source, multi-line logs, supports major browsers, provides desktop tail and rotation notifications, can search and filter logs, by regex even, sort entries, mark and hide columns, works with large files. It's easy to set up due to its initial auto-configuration, still allows overriding settings, and is l

SSHGuard 1.6.4

SSHGuard is an automated log watcher which quickly sets up firewall blocks for detected brute-force attacks. It supports not just SSH, but also sendmail, exim, dovecot, Cucipop, UWimap, vsftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd and FreeBSD ftpd. It understands syslog/-ng, metalog, multilog and raw log formats. And works with netfilter/iptables, PF, ipfw, or just hosts.allow to set up firewalling rules.

Elogviewer 2.6

Elogviewer provides a convenient browser for "elogs" as used by Gentoos portage system. It's implemented in Python atop Qt4/Qt5.